MBBS Course Overview

Aim of the Medical Doctor's Programme: The programme aims to prepare highly qualified, morally grounded medical doctors who are competitive both locally and internationally. These doctors will possess the competencies necessary to meet the educational requirements of an open society, aligning with CU's mission of graduating competitive, highly qualified, and ethically sound individuals committed to democratic values and principles.

Educational Standards: The programme is aligned with the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) standards.

Programme Objectives:

  • Provide education based on international standards of evidence-based medicine, essential for practical medical work.

  • Equip graduates with knowledge in basic, clinical, behavioral, and social sciences necessary for medical practice.

  • Foster motivation for continuous medical education (lifelong learning) and professional development.

  • Impart knowledge of the legislative fundamentals of the healthcare system.

  • Develop clinical and communication skills, including patient-centered competencies, for interactions with patients, their families, colleagues, and other healthcare professionals.

  • Instill medical ethics values, including respect for patients and consideration of their social, cultural, religious, and ethnic backgrounds, in adherence to professional ethics.

Programme Structure:

  • Duration: The academic year duration depends on student performance, with a total of 360 credits and a maximum of 75 credits per year.

  • Degree Level: Equivalent to Master's level – 360 ECTS.

  • Qualification: Medical Doctor (MD).

  • Tuition Fee: $6,000 USD per year.

Program Structure

One-cycle Educational Programme “Medical Doctor”:

The Medical Doctor programme is learner-centered, designed according to the ECTS credit system, and based on a student workload necessary to achieve the programme's learning outcomes.

Programme Structure:

  • Total Credits: 360 ECTS (60 ECTS per year; 30 ECTS per semester).

  • Duration: 6 years/12 semesters.

  • Academic Year: Two semesters per year (Fall and Spring), each comprising 19 weeks, totaling 38 weeks per year.


  • Individual workload ranges from less than 60 credits per year to a maximum of 75.

  • One ECTS equals 25 credit hours, including both contact hours (classes, seminars, practical sessions) and independent study hours.

Programme Composition:

  • Mandatory Courses: 346 ECTS

    • Integrated Modules: 60 ECTS

    • Basic/Preclinical Courses: 82 ECTS

    • Clinical Courses: 173 ECTS

    • Clinical Internship: 14 ECTS

    • Scientific Skills: 17 ECTS

  • Elective Courses: 14 ECTS

Enquiry for Admission